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News > A new dawn of milling innovation

A new dawn of milling innovation

Image for A new dawn of milling innovation

OPEN MIND & Quickgrind invite manufacturers to hyperDAY

hyperDAY_03 (1)Revolutionary and ground breaking are terms all too familiarly used with new product innovations, but when you combine the innovative new machining strategies in Open mind’s latest version of hyperMILL® 2015 with new cutting tool geometries from Quickgrind – you will have a truly scintillating combination.

We are confident that this combination can reduce your machining times whilst reducing cost per component.

In many instances these gains will be very conservative estimates. If you want to see the latest techniques and features for yourself, then OPEN MIND Technologies and Quickgrind would like to invite you to a live cutting demonstration at a knowledge transfer seminar at Yamazaki Mazak in Worcester.

Come and witness the new dawn of milling innovation at Yamazaki Mazak, Worcester UK, either on 10 or 11 June, 9:30am – 1:00pm

Please click on the date to reserve your place Wednesday 10 June or Thursday 11 June

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