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News > Don’t compromise on tooling, warns Quickgrind

Don’t compromise on tooling, warns Quickgrind

Image for Don’t compromise on tooling, warns Quickgrind

Quickgrind has issued a warning to the British engineering industry that many businesses are unconsciously hindering their own performance by compromising on their choice of tools.

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“As engineers, it’s very obvious to us that a bespoke tool, specifically designed for a particular application, will perform better in that situation than a general purpose item bought from a catalogue,” says Ross Howell, Quickgrind’s Managing Director.

“When it comes to round-shank carbide tooling, a tailored solution is unquestionably the best option if a company is looking to enhance its tool performance, its productivity, its competitiveness and its reputation for great quality and delivery.”

So why would anyone choose to compromise by buying standard tools instead? “There are several common reasons,” Ross explains. “I think we are all guilty of making compromises in our daily purchasing decisions, without really considering the consequences. How many of us have chosen the cheaper washing-up liquid, only to find we need to use twice as much of it? Beware false economy!”

He continues, “For some, it’s a case of being too busy to look into what advantages today’s bespoke tooling has to offer, or even to think about tools at all. For others it’s a belief that the established practice of buying from catalogues must be right, as it’s what their company has always done. Then there is the incorrect assumption that use of standard tools is more economical.”

Ross is keen to dispel the myth that bespoke tooling is an expensive luxury. “Our state-of-the-art technology has made the manufacture of tailor-made tools much more cost-effective, so there really isn’t a huge difference in purchase price now. More importantly, bespoke tooling is about saving money on processes, increasing productivity and making a bigger profit. Standard tools have hidden costs, like frequent machine stoppages and resetting, rapid tool wear and slower cycle times, as well as unnecessarily complicated tool inventories.”

To maximise the benefit gained from bespoke tooling, Ross urges businesses to contact Quickgrind for advice. “The quality of our products is renowned on a global scale but we also offer the flexibility and responsiveness of a British tooling manufacturer who truly understands your issues. Our tooling consultancy service can find ways of making your processes more effective and competitive, and we can bring further economies through advances such as our unique tool remanufacturing process and tool management systems.

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