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Drilling > Steel and Cast Iron Drills

Steel & Cast Iron Drills

More throughput lower costs in Steel and Cast Iron.

The Jaguar is primarily designed for use in steels and tool steels but is versatile enough to work well in other materials. Various coatings are available to aid performance and lengthen tool life. Centre-drilling is not required when boring high quality holes. Our Lion GTC (through-coolant) and GD (solid) drills have our unique blend of micrograin carbide substrate and superior coatings, providing a recipe that guarantees high performance, cost-effective drilling in a wide range of materials.
Two Quickgrind Jaguar Drills of varying colours on a grey background with white concentric circles.


Made with the latest submicrograin carbide which, combined with a…

Two Quickgrind Lion Drills on a grey background with white concentric circles.


Guarantees high performance, cost-effective drilling in a wide range of…

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